CPRAM Values

CPRAM Values


Thinking creatively

This brings prosperity to mankind. Having a creative mind will always lead to better things. This can be practiced by being observant, inquisitive, always questioning, learning, studying, thinking and imagining.

CPRAM Values


Putting effort into producing results

The effort brings about actual work results, which are noticed and admired by those who witness in terms of quality and quantity. This can be done by being hard-working, not just letting the time pass by, and having perseverance with the aim of achieving the best results.

CPRAM Values


Building relationships

This creates a sense of satisfaction between parties, making the society peaceful, united, prosperous, and teaches everyone to practice, to hon our, to encourage, to participate, to help, to respect others’ rights and to be sympathetic.

CPRAM Values


Good attitudes

This prepares the mind state of the person to be ready and view different situations with understanding, positivity, not blaming, seeing the good in everyone, forgiveness, happiness, humor and self-sufficiency.

CPRAM Values


High moral standards

Act good. Live life morally. Being grateful. Being socially responsible. Make good deeds for the society, mankind. Hold on to beautiful traditions of the previous generations. Fostering good deed making and good behavior.